Quinn说:今天凌晨刚看完tokyo vice,深夜无法阻挡的结尾,流泪不能自已。
由美主编回复:《东京罪恶》一书的尾声确实是全书最大的反转,陶子看完那天也是辗转反侧夜不能寐。不过最戳中她泪点是社会新闻部那位老大姐(电视剧中菊地凛子的原型)的自尽和那位老警察( 电视剧中渡边谦的原型 )的病故。眼看两个正直善良的人就这样被僵硬残酷的官僚体制逼死,本猫甚至觉得贵人类没救了。
由美主编回复: 作 为出版业的从业猫,按理我是不应该传播盗版资源的,但是考虑到《婊子星球》这种女拳大毒草不会在祖国出版,此处给出那啥仅供批判。需要科学上网,保存失败 本猫概不负责。https://libgen.rocks/get.php?md5=5c5f75f5eda68399e2c66b86ebe5c2ed
ins: blackcat_ladder

Fantasy novel by Walter Moers
Part I is a marvelous fictional piece of travel writing about Bookholm, the city of dreaming books. The place is basically a book themed mega amusement park. Just imagine a Disneyland or Universal Studios as big as a metropolis and all the attractions, monuments, stores, hotels, cafes, restaurants, parades and performances are about books. (I'd like to live there forever and be buried there after my death.)
However, in Part II, the story makes a darkest U-turn. Our protagonist is forced into an odyssey in the super evil and violent subterranean world.
When I started reading this book, I thought it was a children's literature. I was wrong. Please do not read any chapter from Part II to little kids.
5 star recommendation.

It’s a unique experience to read fiction about a place you’ve been to. It not only provokes your memories but also reconstructs them, and your feelings towards that place are enhanced enormously.
In Poso Wells , that place is Guayaquil, the largest port city in Ecuador. For most foreigners from the Old World, Guayaquil is also the first stop when entering this country. I still remember that night five years ago our flight landed at José Joaquín De Olmedo Airport . The air was hot and humid, and I saw this bustling, sprawling huge monster for the first time.
I’ve been to Guayaquil quite a few times in recent years, but I never have the nerve to venture into the guts of the city, though I am sure that countless impressive stories are happening there, just like sticky bubbles in a boiling pot full of sopa de queso , tasty but ephemeral. And Gabriela Aleman successfully created one of them. Thanks to this book, my memory of Guayaquil is getting even more vivid.